昨天收到有关方面的通知,我日前发给学校的 e - invoice 一间不批(理由是付钱的部门说我的银行户头有问题!),一间正在处理中(这间学校一开始说没有收到我的e - invoice,可是两间学校的 e - invoice都是同时发出的,为何一间收到另一间却迟迟未收到???)。
看了我提供银行户头没问题的证据之后,不获批费用的学校联系我说他们也不明白为何不批?也不知如何解决,建议我直接打电话联系 vendors@gov 的有关部门,好不容易电话接通了,那一头却面无表情似的说他们不管这个,结果无奈还是要回到vendors@gov Helpdeck 求助,Helpdeck 铁面无私例行公事,又要等3个工作天才能回复!
好不容易经过重重繁文缛节重新申请再度成为vendor,前前后后来来回回费时失事的和各方面联络沟通都已经拖了两个多星期了!忍无可忍,就直接向他们投诉comliant ......
“I have been following the exact instructions/guidelines given by the vendors@gov but was unable to properly process two of my invoices dated 28 February 2022 and the instructions in the response to my queries have been insufficient to aid me in using this system. The schools that I am dealing with reflect that they have been informed by the payment side that there is some problem with my bank account, but when I checked with the bank there were not any problems. I seek your assistance in helping me in resolving this issue as much time has been wasted on my end. Please contact me at xxxxxxxx as soon as possible as this matter has frustrated me greatly and I am intending to write to the Minister if this matter is not addressed appropriately in due time. ”
Phoon Yew Tien, Singapore Cultural Medallion recipient 1996 and arranger of the Singapore National Anthem
当天接近傍晚时分却收到“正在处理中”的那间学校的电邮说收到有关方面的批准月底可以付费了!迟迟批准的原因也是说我的银行户头has been in - active (没有启动)!问题是,我特地向银行查询过,银行方面说我的户头从来就没有 in - active过,那我该相信谁?(老实说:从办事效率而言,我比较相信银行)。
好了,现在一间学校过关了,但另一间还卡在那里,明明都是一模一样的 e – invoice,为何会有不同的结果?这究竟是人为错误还是系统无比愚蠢?如果出错,浪费了人家许许多多宝贵的时间和精神,有关方面又有没有可能会承认并道歉?为何官方向人们收钱时效率一流绝不容拖欠也绝不手软,付钱时却是拖泥带水百般刁难?!如此 bully 欺负人公平吗?!记得以前办事不是这样的,不禁怀疑,我们以往引以为荣的行政效率到底去了哪?!老一辈的前议员倒戈相向是否也和当今某些“腐败”有关?!
总之:乱七八糟狗皮倒灶令人失望 !!!