
合唱情缘之十八 - 完结篇

补遗 展望

之前所述都是一些规模较大的合唱活动,其实还有些合作过的合唱团例如:韵野合唱团 1998(吴杰指挥)、思励中学华乐团/合唱团 2004(丁小燕指挥)、乐赛小学华乐团/合唱团 2005(徐宜平指挥)等等等等,详情请浏览网站 phoonyewtien.webador.com。
疫情期间,曾经策划了一场个人创作与改编作品的合唱音乐会,所有有关乐谱都已经准备就绪,只是在联系了一些有关单位以及个人团体之后发现此事非一己之力所能成就,并且这些创作以外的事也不是个人的专长,无奈也只能暂时搁置有关计划,或许,将来有一天 .......... ?!

新加坡歌曲音乐会 -
过去与今日的本地歌曲 (初步安排)
A Concert of Singapore Songs -
The past and recent local songs ( Initial Plan)

This concert consists of 18 choral songs that represent the local culture and spirit of Singapore in different eras. First half of the concert contains 9 choral works created in the 2000s relating to local memories. The Second half also contains 9 songs, presented in 4 languages, and all are from local productions during the 1950s to 1990s. These songs are well-received by our three ethnic groups: Chinese, Malay and Indian. In appreciating the choral songs, I believe both the singers and the audiences, regardless of race, will be able to recognize the fighting spirit of our pioneer generation.

First half concert programme:
All songs composed by Phoon Yew Tien with lyrics by Lin Zi.
for a capella or choir with piano accompaniment

1 那一片青草地 ( A Patch Of Green) (Approx duration 2 min)
In the 1970s, there were more than 10 three-storey HDB flats with white walls, red tiles and blue glass windows, situated in the vicinity along Alexandra Road. There was a pretty large lawn in front of the flats, where and cattle and sheep were often seen. The old scenery has since disappeared, giving way to city development. Nevertheless, the past memories remained.

2 纪念册 ( Autographs) (Approx duration 3.30 min)
In the 1960s and 1970s, the graduating pupils of Chinese primary schools in Singapore and Malaysia used to each prepare an autograph book, so that they could exchange blessings among themselves and kept for remembrance.
3 元旦(New Year‘s Day) (Approx duration 1.50 min)
New Year's Day can be treated as a New Year's song, adopting the style of Chinese songs in the 1950s. The lyrics express the freshness and joy of spring.
4 蒲公英(Dandelions) (Approx duration 5.30 min)
This is an a cappella song. The drifting dandelions symbolize the love for freedom. Everywhere could be home, despite of adverse environment.

5 春天湖(Spring Lake) (Approx duration 4.30 min)
Formed by the Jurong River near the Chinese Garden in Jurong, "Spring Lake" used to be a popular place for boating by youngsters in the early 1970s, It has since disappeared, leaving aside good memories.

6 杜鹃花 (Azaleas) (Approx duration 3.30 min)
Inspired by Mr. Huang Youdi's song "Azaleas" which I used to listen from young, I have arranged different forms of arrangement for the "Azaleas" . This song of the same name is now composed to recall childhood, in addition to pay tribute to the late Mr. Huang Youdi. Azaleas symbolize vibrancy and enlighten a positive and progressive life approach.

7 萤火虫(Fireflies) (Approx duration 1.50 min)
This is a lively, nursery rhyme-style duet. The Chinese words for fireflies is substituted by “Huo Jin Gu” in the lyrics, which is the alias. The song expresses the characteristics of fireflies, emitting a faint light in the jungle silently, and serve as a guidance to the passers-by in the tropical ambience.

8 风月有情(The Breeze and the Moon)(Approx duration 3.20 min)
The tune resembles a Chinese folk song "Xin Tian You". With slight adaptation and new lyrics filled, It reflects the sense of age presenting an unique charm. The love for nature turns out to be humanistic.

9 悼念消失的华校(Chinese Schools-A Lasting Legacy)(Approx duration 7 min)
自上世纪80年代开始,本地的华校逐步改制成为英校。 华校走入了历史,成为一道消失了的风景线。新加坡华校校友会于2014年7月13-20日假华侨中学举办一连8天的“消失的华校——国家永远的资产”展览。
Local Chinese schools had been gradually converted to English schools since 1980s, leaving behind a historical landscape, disappeared from the local education platform. The Singapore Chinese School Alumni Association held an 8-day exhibition about the Chinese Schools in the past at Hua Chong Institution from July 13 to 20, 2014.

Second half concert programme:

1 Semoga Bahagia 1960 (Approx duration 2 min)
A Malay song by Zubir Said, rearrangement/orchestration by Phoon Yew Tien
Besides Singapore's National Anthem, Zubir’s other classic Semoga Bahagia (“May You Achieve Happiness”) encourages youth to uphold good character and values, in the pursuit of happiness and a respectable life. Since 1970, the song has been the official Children’s Day song in Singapore.

2 Munnaeru Vaalibaa 1960 (Approx duration 1.30 min)
A Tamil song by S. Jesudassan, rearrangement/orchestration by Phoon Yew Tien
In 1966, then a teacher at Raffles Institution (RI), S. Jesudassan (b.1930) was asked by the principal to write a song for students to be sung on RI’s Founder’s Day. Similar to Zubir Said’s Semoga Bahagia, the intent was to inspire youth to achieve success, in the context of a then newly independent Singapore. The Ministry of Education’s Music Director, David Lim, who was also Head of Music at RI, decided the following year to adopt Munnaeru Vaalibaa as one of the official community songs taught in every school, a tradition that continues today.

3 Singapura 1960 (Approx duration 2.30 min)
Music by Van Moring, Lyrics in Malay by David Lim Kim San, Lyrics in English by Dick Lee, rearrangement/orchestration by Phoon Yew Tien
Van Moring 作曲,马来语歌词:David Lim Kim San, 英语歌词:Dick Lee
This is a very popular local song in the 1960s, describing our beautiful island nation of Singapore.

4 《春回大地》1970 “Spring Returned “ 1970 (Approx duration 2.30 min)
林猷庆作词, 新加坡资深作曲家李煜传作曲,潘耀田编曲/配器
Lyrics by Lim Jwee Heng, the music is composed by local senior composer Lee Yuk Chuan, rearrangement/orchestration by Phoon Yew Tien
The song expresses the returning of spring and the happiness and joy of new year, portraying a prosperous nation.

5 《新加坡你多年轻》1960 “ You are young, Singapore” 1960 (Approx duration 6 min)
Lyrics by Singapore Culture Award winner Chow Kwok Chan, the music is composed by the late Singaporean composer/singer Tian Ming En, rearrangement/orchestration by Phoon Yew Tien
The song describes the unremitting effort and spirit of our people in the early days of nation- building.

6 《胶林,我们的母亲》1950 “Rubber plantation, our mother” 1950 (Approx duration 5 min)
Lyrics by Yuzhou, the music is composed by the late Singaporean composer Boh Chit Hee, rearrangement/orchestration by Phoon Yew Tien
There were rubber plantations in Singapore in the olden years. Walking in the rubber plantations, I couldn’t help but think of those rubber tappers who quietly endured hardships in life and contributed to the country development.

7 新谣歌曲 1《小人物的心声》1980-1990 (Approx duration 2 min)
Bon Sek Yieng作词,Tan Kian Chin作曲,潘耀田编曲/配器
Xin Yao Song “Voices From The Heart” 1980 Music by Tan Kian Chin and lyrics by Bon Sek Yieng, rearrangement/orchestration by Phoon Yew Tien

The following 3 songs will presented in a medley form (Approx duration 5 min) :

8a 国民服役歌曲 1 《我们是新加坡人》
已故新加坡文化奖得主以及作曲家梁荣平先生 Leong Yoon Pin作曲,潘耀田编曲/配器
NS Song 1 “We the People of Singapore” 1980 composed by Leong Yoon Pin, recipient of the Singapore Cultural Medallion, rearrangement/orchestration by Phoon Yew Tien

8b国民服役歌曲 2《我们的家园新加坡》
新加坡作曲家 Johnson Lee作曲, 潘耀田编曲/配器
NS Song 2 “Singapore Our Homeland” 1980 composed by Johnson Lee, rearrangement/orchestration by Phoon Yew Tien

8c国民服役歌曲 3 《相信我吧!新加坡 》
Raymond Lam作词,新加坡作曲家Koh Joo Ann 作曲, 潘耀田编曲/配器
NS Song 3 “Believe in Me Singapore” 1980
Lyrics by: Raymond Lam, music by Koh Joo Ann, rearrangement/orchestration by Phoon Yew Tien
This arrangement for a symphony orchestra with mixed choir consists of three well-loved Singaporean NS songs; namely, We the People of Singapore (by Leong Yoon Pin), Singapore Our Homeland (by Johnson Lee) and Believe in Me Singapore (相信我吧!新加坡, by Raymond Lam and Koh Joo Ann). The music begins with a soft and gentle introduction with a fragment of the melody from Believe in Me Singapore, which subsequently leads to the upbeat and majestic NS songs/marches of We the People of Singapore and Singapore Our Homeland, before reaching its climax in Believe in Me Singapore.
The above songs will accompanied by symphony orchestra

flute x2
oboe x2
clarinet x2
bassoon x2
horn x4
trumpet x2
trombone x3
percussions x4
piano x1
harp x1
violin 1 x10
violin 2 x8
viola x6
cello x4
bass x2

Videos for reference

Semoga Bahagia 2018

March On - A Medley of NS Songs 2019

Munnaeru Vaalibaa 2018

Tentative collaborating groups and Individuals :
The Ensemble Singer SYC
Conductor: Jennifer Tham/Chong Wai Lun
The One Chamber Choir
Conductor: Lim Ai Hui
Pianist: Shane Thio

Tentative concert venue:
Esplanade Concert Hall


