

       这是2013年生日那天一位老友的孩子李欣立(Pok Pok & Away)为我画的速写像,那时他还在大学念书,如今已经是个有点名气的漫画插画家以及事业有成的绘测师了 …......

       时间荏苒,就像顾媚唱道:溪水流呀流不停,流到大海不停留 …... 还记得1960年代末刚参加国家剧场华乐团时,我是其中最年轻一员,后来是最年轻之一,后来是一群年轻朋友之间的小领导,后来成了老师辈,再后来 ….... 如今回望,上天还是待我不薄,感恩 ….....

Pok Pok & Away

An old portrait I did of my dad's friend. He was the recipient of the 1996 Cultural Medallion in the field of arts. Today is his birthday!

"Born in a pre-independence era in Singapore, Phoon Yew Tien straddles with ease the divide between Western classical and Chinese orchestral traditions. His musical style based largely on a Chinese idiom but inflected with contemporary tones—has earned him numerous commissions from the likes of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra and the Singapore Chinese Orchestra. Today, he is the nation’s most-recorded composer. A 1996 recipient of the Cultural Medallion, Phoon is also an active collaborator with artists from different art forms, who use his music as the backdrop to dance or theatrical productions. Phoon’s major works, many of which have been performed and recorded by orchestras around the world, include Han Shi (1983), which draws upon classical poetry for inspiration, and Variations on an Ancient Tune (2000), which fuses Eastern and Western musical vocabularies."

You can know more about him here:



