


       新年前夕和诗人林子参加了由前新广电视导播郭浩水先生导览的健走团到咖啡山坟场走了一趟 …....... 想起了40多年前单独前往的那次,感慨良多之余也想起这首清明诗和这篇旧文 …....... 1.1.2023





       诗人以清明时节雨纷纷中的野田荒冢为背景色调,娓娓道出了人间的正气和愚昧。其中“人乞祭余骄妾妇,士甘焚死不公侯!”的强烈对照最为形象化。试想:一个人也不是穷到三餐不继,还有房子妻妾,竟然会不时厚着脸皮在墓地里向陌生人乞讨别人祭拜祖先的食物!更令人难以想象的,回家之后还向妻子和小老婆得意洋洋的炫耀食物的精致美味?!这些妻妾如果还有一点人格品格,委身与如此不堪的人,又会怎么想?将心一横将计就计成为“同道中人”(如英文所说:if you can't beat them join them?!)?或许如此余生还能有点“幸福”?反之,可能一辈子都会很不快乐吧?!



       回想 6-70年代人心相对的淳朴日子,看看今天的国风民情以及“宫闱恩怨”,又蓦然想起杜甫的低沉句子:冥冥重泉哭不闻,潇潇暮雨人归去!




照片2:祭余 - 不知何人留下,給一众“好兄弟”价值不菲的海鲜大餐!




       昨天和老友夏帏以及诗人林子参观了新加坡著名书法家曾广纬先生在醉花林的书法展,一看之下不免又要发发牢骚,为何像广纬先生这等本地少有德高望重创作等身底蕴深厚的书法家至今还未能获颁国家文化奖?是有关方面有眼无珠,还是艺术圈里的“政治”问题?!无论如何,广纬先生除了是许多行家都非常推崇敬重的书法家,也是个与世无争,典型的谦谦君子。广纬先生早年喜欢华乐也弹奏古筝,曾在 River Valley Road 里峇峇里路以书法驰名狮城的端蒙中学执教,其间育人无数。







       在冠疫肆虐的两年之间基本没闲着,除了参与新加坡华乐团,新加坡交响乐团四重奏,亚洲文化交响乐团Asia Culture Symphony Orchestra,马来西亚宽柔校友合唱团贺年节目(迎春花 2021


以及《恭喜大家今年好》)以及回响打击乐团Reverberance等等的一些零星线上与现场演出以外,真正劳心劳力的还是那4场由个人主导的线上音乐会以及刚过去的《遇见》双CD制作发布会。其中也包括了重现此地昔日华乐风景的“风华再现” 音乐会 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0FGK5mzjdc 以及有浓厚怀旧色彩的女声独唱重唱音乐会“家” 2022


       最先上场的“传承”与 “IMPRINT”音乐作品发表会制作原意就和“风华再现”以及“家”一样,希望在严峻的疫情下,为此地年轻一代作曲家和演奏家创造演出机会以及带来一点收入。


传承”与 “IMPRINT”音乐作品发表会

       原本计划明年1月在滨海艺术中心举办一场师生音乐作品发表会,不幸遇上一场前所未有的严重冠疫以致必须改变计划 - 放弃了一场现场演出改为两场线上直播音乐会。

       这两场由新加坡少儿交响乐团 Kid's Philharmonic Orchestra 所主办的音乐会分别命名为“传承”以及 IMPRINT (印记)。作品发表会参与者除了我本人,还有四位近几年来先后向我学习的学生,他们包括两位后来毕业/留学于英国英国皇家音乐学院 Royal Academy of Music in London 以及伦敦国王音乐学院 King’s College London 的林顺强 Joseph Lim 和黄予恒 Ng Yu Hng ,毕业于中国音乐学院现为新加坡华乐团胡琴演奏家的刘智乐以及年仅 10 岁的新加坡少儿交响乐团 Kid's Philharmonic Orchestra 驻团作曲家许文耀 Nathanael Koh

       这两场音乐会内涵与风格多样化,几乎可说是囊括了古今中外,演奏者也都是本地一流的音乐家,其中就有南洋艺术学院音乐系管乐主任,前马来西亚爱乐乐团 Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra 双簧管首席 Joost Flach ,留法钢琴家卢绍璇 Low Shao Suan ,留英竖琴演奏家黄安玉 Sarah Wong,美国纽约茱莉亚德音乐学院 The Juilliard School of Music New York 博士奖学金得主潘宇 Phoon Yu,毕业于中国音乐学院的女高音演唱家何米亚,新加坡华乐团琵琶演奏家张银和胡琴演奏家刘智乐等等等等 …..... 当然也包括了部分新加坡少儿交响乐团 Kid's Philharmonic Orchestra 的小小演奏家们 …........

       最后,感谢新加坡国家艺术理事会的支持与赞助和主办者新加坡少儿交响乐团 Kid's Philharmonic Orchestra 以及“义工”Dr. Wendy Seah的努力推动。


传承”与 “IMPRINT”音乐作品发表会的作品,作曲者与演奏者





Composer/ Professional erhu player

Liu Zhi Yue

Zhi Yue is an Erhu player from the Singapore Chinese Orchestra as well as a composer. Entering China Conservatory of Music in 2002, he became the first student to graduate with a double degree in Erhu and Composition. As an avid Erhu performer, he was the recipient of the first runner-up for the Tian Hua Cup in 1995, and the first prize winner of the China National Erhu Competition in 2007. Recently in 2019, he was the finalist of the International Music Festival Composition Competition. As a composer, he is no stranger to the Esplanade Recital Studio with his arrangement and performance of ‘The Reimaginings of Dizi and Erhu’ in 2012.

Joost Christiaan Flach

Joost为现今新加坡南洋艺术学院音乐系管乐主任,也是前马来西亚爱乐乐团 Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra 双簧管首席 。在“传承”音乐会里他将演奏许文耀Nathanael Koh的双簧管与钢琴作品《马戏团组曲》The Circus Suite以及潘耀田Phoon Yew Tien的五重奏《新婚别》Separation of the Newly Wed.

Oboist - Joost Christiaan Flach

Since 2014, Joost Flach has been working as the Head of Winds at the NAFA School of Music where he designs a relevant educational programme for winds.

Before this, he has been working for 6 years in the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, 2 years in the Bangkok Symphony Orchestra and 16 years in the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra.

He commissioned several SEAsian composers to write for him under which Leong Yoon Pin, Phoon Yew Tien, Terrence Wong, Goh Toh Chai and lately Elliot. Also Malaysian composers Wong Chee Yean, Muriz Che Roze have written for him.

He is an ardent supporter of chamber music.

新加坡竖琴演奏家黄安玉Sarah Wong 将演奏以下竖琴作品:许文耀Nathanael Koh的《周二情怀》Tuesday Reflections,《雨滴夜曲》Raindrop Nocturne 以及潘耀田Phoon Yew Tien的《涟漪 》Ripples,《早晨》 Morning

Harpist - Sarah Wong

Sarah started her musical journey as a pianist at a young age, and then a harpist during her teenage years. Her passion for music and harp playing eventually led her in pursuing music full time at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA). She holds a Bachelor of Music with Honours from NAFA, in collaboration with the Royal College of Music (London).

As an active musician, she performs regularly with local orchestras and ensembles, and has appeared as a harp soloist to perform Rodrigo’s Concierto de Aranjuez with the AudioImage Wind Ensemble as well as Mozart’s Flute and Harp Concerto with acclaimed British flautist, William Bennett, and the NAFA Orchestra.

林顺强 (作曲家/萨克管演奏家)

发表中提琴独奏作品《春雨》Spring Rainviola solo


Composer - Joseph Lim

Joseph Lim (b.1994) is a Composer, Educator, Saxophonist and a Pianist with works performed by the English Young Artist Sinfornia, CHROMA, Hermes Experiment, Lontano, Singapore Chinese Orchestra, Singapore Symphony Orchestra and ADDO Chamber Orchestra. Joseph is also a member of the Composers and Authors Society of Singapore (COMPASS) and Composers Society of Singapore (CSS).

He is fascinated with the influence of traditional culture on music composition. While such intercultural possibilities hold much musical potential, Joseph is also curious about the philosophical and ethical implications in these acts of representation.

He studied composition at a postgraduate level under Professor Gary Carpenter at the Royal Academy of Music in London. He completed his undergraduate studies in King’s College London under Dr Rob Keeley and Dr Ed Nesbit where he was awarded the Sambrooke Exhibition in Music Prize. He is currently a music teacher with the Ministry of Education.

Ralph Emmanuel Lim (单簧管演奏家)

英国伦敦皇家音乐学院高材生,优秀的单簧管演奏家Ralph Lim将演奏黄予恒 Ng Yu Hng 的作品《狂欢节二重奏》Carnival Duets

Clarinetist - Ralph Emmanuel Lim

Ralph Lim is the winner of Singapore Clarinet Festival in 2017 and 2015. He graduated with a Bachelor of Music with Honours from the Royal College of Music, London.

In 2015, Ralph received a grant from the National Arts Council, and won the 2nd prize for the Prof. Dichler international competition in Vienna. Other awards include a Distinction from Royal College of Music Woodwind Concerto Competition in London, and finalist at the NAFA Music Essentials Concerto Competition in Singapore 2015. In that same year, he was awarded a scholarship from the International Chamber Music Festival in Norway to study with Martin Fröst and Herman Stefánsson.

As an advocate for chamber music, Ralph and his friends founded CLARQuinet, a clarinet ensemble. Together, they have been pushing the limits of the conventional Clarinet ensemble by incorporating different art styles into their performances.

Ralph is Assistant Conductor at Catholic High School (Secondary) Symphonic Band, Eunoia Junior College and also the Junior band woodwind instructor at Catholic High School (Primary).

潘培铭 Samuel Phua

2017年新加坡国家艺术理事会艺术奖学金得主,优秀萨克管演奏家潘培铭 Samuel Phua 将联同单簧管演奏家Ralph Lim一起演奏黄予恒 Ng Yu Hng 的作品《狂欢节二重奏》Carnival Duets

Saxophonist- Samuel Phua

Samuel Phua is a recipient of the Singapore National Arts Council Arts Scholarship (Undergraduate) 2017 and is furthering his studies at the Sibelius Academy with Joonatan Rautiola. He graduated with the International Baccalaureate Career Certificate (IBCC) from the School Of The Arts (SOTA), Singapore, where he studied classical music under Leslie Wong and jazz under Fabian Lim.

Samuel has performed as a soloist with Singapore’s top orchestras and bands, including the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra of the Music Makers, Braddell Heights Symphony Orchestra, The Philharmonic Winds and Singapore Wind Symphony. He performed with the Armenian State Symphony Orchestra as a finalist in the “"Classic Winds" • International Saxophone and Clarinet Competition 2020 and clinched 4th place in the Asia Pacific Saxophone Competition 2019.

As a chamber musician, Samuel co-founded the Xin Saxophone Quartet and was the artistic director of the Protégé Saxophone Ensemble (2015-2017). He was in the artistic committee for the Helsinki Saxophone Orchestra (2018-2019). He has been a regular performer at the annual Singapore Saxophone Symposium since its inception in 2011.

Samuel has represented Singapore at numerous international music events. also represented Singapore in festivals such as the World Saxophone Congress 2018 in Croatia, Eugene Rousseau Saxophone Workshop in Wisconsin, USA, Elite Project Workshop by Jean Marie Londiex and William Street and Asia Pacific Saxophone Academy (APSA) in Thailand.

He was also featured in the OKTO television documentary 'Under 18' shown on local channel.

He is currently hosting a weekly community class the “ABCS of saxophone” (Anatomy, breath, control) every Monday at 530pm on zoom. Do send him a private message if you are keen to join.

黄予恒 Ng Yu Hng (作曲家)将呈献两首作品:单簧管与萨克管的《狂欢节二重奏》Carnival Duets以及钢琴独奏 Triptych

Composer - Ng Yu Hng

Yu Hng is a composer based in London. His music explores the space between familiarity and unfamiliarity. Musical and literary quotations intersperse his pieces, while the 'ghost' of harmony lives on in spectral soundscapes. His works are currently featured at the IMPRINT & 傳承 concert in Nov and Dec 2020 respectively, generously supported by the National Arts Council of Singapore.

Other recent works have been performed by the Lontano Ensemble, KCL Modern Music Society, and by pianists Richard Uttley and Maria Marchant. Upcoming projects include working with the Hill Trio, CHROMA Ensemble and the pianist George Fu.

He is currently pursuing a MA in Composition at the Royal Academy of Music under Prof. Morgan Hayes, generously supported by the Countess of Munster Musical Trust's postgraduate scholarship.

Yu Hng also obtained a first-class honours degree in music at King's College London, under the supervision of Dr. Edward Nesbit. There, he achieved the Purcell Prize in Music for academic excellence. Other composition teachers include Hans Abrahamsen, Mr Phoon Yew Tien and Dr Thomas Hyde. Yu Hng is a member of the Composers Society of Singapore.

中提琴演奏家Benedict Ng 英国伦敦国王学院荣誉学位毕业生,他将演奏林顺强 Joseph Lim 的中提琴独奏作品《春雨》Spring Rain

Violist - Benedict Ng

Benedict Ng is a budding violist from Singapore. He started learning the violin at the age of 5, before picking up the viola through his secondary school orchestra, where he immediately fell in love with the soulful expressivity of the instrument. After his national service, he read music in King's College London, graduating with First Class Honours, before moving up to Glasgow to study at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland. He is blessed to have had the opportunity to learn under his principal teachers; James Sleigh, Duncan Ferguson and Dr. Yeo Jan Wea.

His musical journey has taken him around the world, performing in China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Germany, England and Scotland. Ben has also worked with esteemed musicians through projects such as the Irish Chamber Orchestra Academy, the Berlin Opera Academy, and the Hebrides Academy. Through the RCS, he was selected to be part of side-by-side projects with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Scottish National Orchestra. Ben is always amazed by how music can touch lives and bring people together. To that end, he frequently partakes in community engagement projects with the Nevis Ensemble, the Benedetti Foundation and London City Mission, to spread the joy of music-making with others.

Ben is delighted to be exploring this new music with you and hopes you enjoy the concert!

潘宇(管风琴/作曲/钢琴)Organist/Composer/Pianist - Phoon Yu

美国纽约茱莉亚德音乐学院 The Juilliard School of Music New York 博士奖学金得主潘宇将演奏潘耀田的钢琴作品:《电脑嬉游曲》Days with my Computer 以及 《葬礼》A Funeral

Organist and composer Phoon Yu is active both in Singapore and in the United States. He has played previously as a soloist in the 2015/2016, 2017/2018, and 2018/2019 Victoria Concert Hall Organ Series, as well as abroad, having played in multiple other venues in Singapore, the Netherlands, and the United States. Recent concerts include his performances at the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine and Marble Collegiate Church in New York City, St. David’s Episcopal Church in Baltimore, as well as at St. Andrew’s Cathedral and the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music in Singapore.

Phoon Yu is currently pursuing his Doctor of Musical Arts degree in organ performance at The Julliard School as a C. V. Starr Doctoral Fellow under the tutelage of Paul Jacobs. Previously, he did his Bachelors of Music in music composition at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music under full scholarship, participating during his undergraduate studies in the prestigious partnership between the Conservatory and the Peabody Institute as a member of their Joint Degree Programme. He then did his Masters of Music in organ performance at the Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University, being awarded the Bruce R. Eicher prize at the conclusion of his studies. His teachers include Professor Donald Sutherland and Dr. Evelyn Lim (organ) and Associate Professor Ho Chee Kong and Dr. Oscar Bettison (composition). Phoon Yu has participated in organ masterclasses with Nigel Potts, Daniel Moult, Pavel Kohout, Ludger Lohmann, Olivier Latry, Ben van Oosten, Leo van Doeselaar, and Jean-Baptiste Robin, as well as composition workshops/masterclasses by Peter Sheppard-Skaerved, Koji Nakano, Aaron Cassidy, and Eric Watson.








      2022转眼就要成为去年了,经历了两年多的疫情,也经历了许多事 …........ 人及古稀,一时千言万语也不知该从何说起!

       前些时候有位热心网友请看电影,过后吃饭聊天,谈到周遭世情不免一同感叹。该网友显然是位宅心仁厚的人,提起过往职场种种不平最终总是以息事宁人的态度对待。这点个人却不能完全苟同,个人以为,积极争取公平对待有时也不完全只是为了个人,有时也会泽及他人后人?举个陈年例子,多年前刚从澳洲留学回来,本地还没有正式作曲委约这回事。接到一个官方音乐团体的“邀请”要为他们出国表演写一首曲。开始一切沟通无碍皆大欢喜,但来到费用问题,对方却毫无这方面的专业观念而显得一脸错愕,他们也许以为:邀请你是给你面子和机会?(一样是学有专长大专出身,为何他们不会邀请医生律师为他们免费提供专业服务?)还说:连你的老师都不收费为何你竟然要求付费 ............... !最终,在个人的坚持下还是取得一点象征式的费用。后来,也许有关方面觉得理亏以及不专业?从那时开始,所有的同类委约都会有个合理的报酬。后遗症是:据理以争原非坏事?但这种事做多了自己也不免成为了“不受欢迎人物”?

       说这些并非要强调自己的“伟大”,但当今世道,许多机构部门做事都讲究先例条例,凡事公事公办 law by law 铁面无情多一事不如少一事,很少有明事明理勇于承担的主管愿意惹麻烦以致最终好心没好报?!问题是:作为一个有点说话资格的人,如果事事都逆来顺受选择做个好好先生,除了委屈了自己,或许也会“拖累”后来者,再说,如果人人都是“乡愿”型,尤其那些有点“江湖地位”的所谓前辈遇事都三缄其口明哲保身,不愿也不敢得罪人,长远来说这国家社会以及文化还有希望吗?


照片:《遇见》CD 发布会,左起,诗人林子,潘耀田与大会主宾张夏帏。





       其实也只是点头之交,最初是他们在家附近遛狗时看到我仿佛有点“面善”?就试探:你是不是那个作曲家?那回我只是披头散发短裤T 恤,不知如何居然也被认出来!后来偶尔碰到也就点点头打个招呼。








今天中午出门打包午餐,看到邻居正在照料自家的植物,有一株绿油油红彤彤的指天椒很是吸眼,就赞了几句,热情的邻居马上就说等一下会摘一些辣椒送我,我说给我一点就好 .......... 打包午餐回来时,看到辣椒树的“红彤彤”不见了,门口却多了一盘辣椒,真不好意思 ..........



       前天刚和一班老友在 Vivocity 吃午餐,昨天又和一位舞者三位诗人在同一屋檐下喝下午茶,其乐融融 ...........





       今天中午难得和一班老友相聚怡丰城,乘兴而来尽欢而散,但愿无事常相见 …......




Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring

       从少年时期至今,几乎听了一辈子的一首巴哈作品 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6OgZCCoXWc,原本是一首大合唱,后来渐渐有了各种不同编制版本。最初听的是个钢琴独奏版本,由钢琴家Myra Hess改编 Philip Entremont演奏。

       此曲百听不厌,不管你是否是教徒,听不听得懂歌词,也无论当下心情好坏,听了都能让人感觉安宁舒泰,暂时忘却许多世间烦恼 …....... 有时也搞不清楚究竟是宗教令音乐伟大还是音乐能使信仰更为坚笃?网上看到的这首“据说”是最佳版本?倒是觉得很配合空气中越来越浓的圣诞氛围。





       准备好蒜头洋葱鸡蛋冷饭等材料,用橄榄油把蒜头爆香再依次加入洋葱片和鸡蛋,再倒入白饭一起翻炒,之间添加适量酱青绍酒和胡椒粉,最后再洒上些画龙点睛似的肉干碎片,霎时间香味四溢 …..... 连楼上韬光养晦的岳母大人都闻香而至, 哈哈哈哈 …......




日前“遇见”CD发布会多谢老友承志前来支持,还以行家的笔触以及饱含情感的文字表扬了演出制作团队,感谢感谢 .......

遇见光碟发布会 05/12/2022 蔡承志

众所周知,潘君长期坚持对文化教育,民风变迁的关注、针砭、关怀、思索, 书写博文,这里他用古体词牌《沁园春》”悼念消失的华校“谱写合唱曲,曲中多处回旋、反复,此起彼伏,似有着莫名的情感牵挂,内在深思探索,不断呼唤感召,让歌曲如螺旋般地展开,历史的翻云覆雨与失落的莫然,在不短的时空长河里,曾激起绵绵翻滚却霎那即逝的浪花,命途悲壮!奈何!
07/12/2022 补记