
林子平老先生 2008 年为我的 CD 题字以及何自力博士的油画作品。


回想曲 - 以音乐来纪念

       无论从什么角度来看,新加坡都还只是个年轻的岛国。虽然人口以华人居多,它还是是一个多元种族的社会。早年的英国殖民地统治、 移民和后来的政治方向逐渐形成了今天的文化面貌。各族移民都从原居地带来了各自的传统文化和习俗,但半个多世纪以来的世界变化、政治改革以及社会变迁。通讯科技发达给原本便不是非常根深蒂固的本地各族文化传统带来了巨大的冲击。

       来到一种文化的形成,无论深浅都需要一定的时间和积累,也离不开记忆和情感。新加坡从一个毫不起眼的渔村发展到今天的发达国家为时并不算长。经济起飞还是上世纪七十年代前后的事。就在这几十年当中新加坡在很多方面都有翻天覆地的变化。就市容而言,由于国小土地有限,很多旧建筑包括乡村房屋、农场耕地、政府组屋以及私人厂房都在经济政策、城市发展计划下一一拆除消失了。取而代之的是一片片陌生的楼房街景。也许,这是必须和必然的,但毕竟有点无奈!许多记忆从此 无从唤回,土生土长的怀旧情感也因此而失去了归宿和凭藉!离开久一点一旦回乡竞有“举目无亲”之感!

       幸亏有些东西是拆不了也抹不去的,那就是深植在我们脑海里,我们从小在这片土地上受到熏陶和打从心里喜欢的各种歌曲和音乐。这里头有多姿多彩种类繁多的中外流行歌曲、古典音乐、民歌华乐甚至教会歌曲等等。通过这些互不相干但熟悉而亲切的声音,昔日美好的光景都一一再现,就有如Carpenter 的歌曲Yesterday once more 一般。我一向觉得,这些伴随我们成长的歌曲音乐虽然不一定是自己民族传统的一部分,也不一定都很伟大或富有创意,但贵在通而不俗情真意切, 随着时间的推移形成了我们个人精神文化、审美和品味不可分割的一部分。比日趋肤浅的所谓民族传统更为深刻而富有意义-只因其中有情。



Phoon Yew Tien

No matter how you look at it Singapore is still a young island state. Although its population is predominantly Chinese, it is a multi-racial society. Its early colonial rule, immigrant population and subsequent political orientation have led to the culture as it is today. Immigrants brought with them traditional cultures and customs from their original homelands. But with changes in the world along with political reforms and social transformation over the last 50 years, the advances in information technology have dealt heavy blows on the already less than entrenched ethnic cultural traditions of ours.

The formation of a particular culture regardless of its depth requires time to establish and cannot happen without memories and emotions. It did not take very long for Singapore to develop from an insignificant fishing village to a modern nation. Economic success came around the 1970s. The last few decades have seen furious transformation in many areas in Singapore. In the land-scarce urban landscape, many old buildings, villages, farmland, government flats and private houses and factories have been disappearing under economic policies and urban development plans. In their place emerged blocks and blocks of strange buildings and towns. This was perhaps necessary and a matter of course. But there is an inevitable sense of loss as many memories can no longer be recalled and indigenous nostalgic feelings have become out of place.

Fortunately, there are some things that are unmovable and indelible, deeply etched in our minds, such as songs and music we have imbibed on this land and have always had a soft spot for since we were young. Among them there are a great variety and wonderful array of Chinese and foreign pop songs, classical works, folk tunes and even church hymns. Through these unrelated and yet familiar and endearing sounds, the good old times begin to appear before us like yesterday once more, as the Carpenters’ song sings. I have always thought that the music we have grown up with does not have to be from our own ethnic traditions. Neither does it have to be a masterful or creative work. More importantly it should be true and sincere; it may be common but not vulgar. It can also become an inseparable part of a person’s spiritual, aesthetic and tasteful make-up. It is much more meaningful than the so-called ethnic tradition that is becoming increasingly shallower because there are true feelings in it.

English translation: Teo Han Wue





       不翻则已,一翻之下竟然翻出数量不少的书法作品。这些书法作品来自各方各面,主要有林子平、曾广纬两位书画大家为我作品CD的封面题字,其余有已故中国电影乐团团长曹节先生当年题赠的墨宝以及在本地或到中国旅游期间购买的等等等等 …...






       买新电脑也不是很顺利 - 看中的型号却缺货,买到之后还要找人来帮忙装置,由于时间安排有点阴差阳错,又拖了几天。


       由于这回换了 Lenovo 电脑,操作方式和以往很不一样,如入迷宫之余还被一些随电脑而来前所未见的微软商业操作误导以致几乎寸步难行,幸亏有专业人员救助才化险为夷 ...... 换电脑是件很烦人的事,最无奈是迫不得已的要重新学习适应一些新操作,并且“新”也未必就好,但在如今这个唯利是图霸道横行的世界,没有选择之下,也只能是人为刀俎我为鱼肉吧!
