
渔民论 ....... ?

“多少年后,我醒悟过来,终于发现了一个宇宙真理:在公有制体系里,每个单位都是小人的天下;正直的人总是少数,且无权势;群众的眼晴都是瞎的、势利的,他们大部分情况下不会站在君子一边。” ~~季羡林

When asked the Russian writer Anton Chekhov about the nature of failed societies, he replied: In failed societies, there are a thousand fools for each successful mind and a thousand clumsy words for each conscious word. The majority is always stupid and constantly dominate the rational. If you see trivial topics at the forefront of discussions in a society and trivial people take centre stage, then you are talking about a very failed society. For example, millions of people dance and repeat meaningless songs and words, and the person who wrote the song becomes famous, known and loved. Even people have their own opinion on matters of society and life. As for writers and authors, no one knows them and no one gives them value or weight. Most people like pettiness and numbness. Someone who drugs us to make us lose our mind, and someone who makes us laugh with nonsense, is better than someone who wakes us up to reality and hurts us by telling the truth. Therefore democracy is not suitable for ignorant societies, because the ignorant majority will decide their fate. Global Sociology
Orlando Espitia Camacho

