
 “传承”/ Imprint音乐会是原本计划在滨海艺术中心音乐室举办的一场师生作品音乐会,因为最近冠状疫情的缘故而改为两场以网上音乐会形式呈献。

在此谨感谢新加坡国家艺术理事会的赞助,淡滨尼文化中心,少儿爱乐交响乐团主催主办,参与此次音乐会的演奏家们以及幕后大力帮忙运筹的 Dr. Chris and Wendy Koh。
The two concerts were originally planned as a single live performance to showcase some of my students' works. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we ended up splitting it into two online concerts.
We hereby thank the Singapore National Arts Council, Singapore Tampines Hub, the musicians involved in this project, the Kid's Philharmonic Orchestra for being the organizer as well as producer of these concerts, and last but certainly not least, Dr. Chris and Wendy Koh's great help in administrative work.

