
SOTA 的困境?

       日前的帖子“究竟是成功还是失败”引来了好些议论,其中就有一位博士以及一位前SOTA 的学生(美国纽约大学准博士)也表达了作为一个过来人的感触 …...

Dr. Dawn- joy Leong:

I agree 100% with your observations. This passage stood out for me, even though my command of the Chinese language is poor, (I read it slowly and several times to make sure I understood better), your insights resonate with me. "新加坡的许多建设观念都以“务实”为基础,这原非坏事,只是来到艺术,有些“原则”并不能硬套。因为艺术文学往往都是些“无用之用”的东西(有时还难免对“政治”有害?),假如处处以“务实”为前提,那就干脆不要吃力不讨好的尝试去“搞”艺术,如果真有诚意,就应该确保在这个环节里不能有外行主导内行的情况,当然,这样讲不外乎天真,有关方面何曾为判断失误或无知无能而认错?" My own 'homecoming' as a researcher and artist in Singapore echoes the general sentiment that art is 'non essential' here, and support for artists is dismally inadequate. A vicious cycle, because then the machinery can only churn out 'less accomplished' or 'limited' artistry, especially when compared to other first world countries. We do not lack the funds, we lack the social, mental, emotional and concrete educational support. Some so-called 'inclusive' arts organization cum social enterprise once demanded that I give a talk at their public event for free - when I told them my standard fee, they had the cheek to scold me and tell me that as a senior artist I "ought to" give talks for free to "inspire" younger people to become artists in the future!!! In Australia, the UK, Japan and South Korea, where I have spoken and exhibited my work, I was never met with this kind of disrespectful attitude, I was always offered a fee, whether high or low, according to the organization's budget, but it was a mark of respect and up to me whether to accept or not. Here in Singapore, even arts organizations look down on artists. My reply to them was, "How inspiring would I be to young people considering whether to become artists if they found out that senior artists are expected to do work for free?" I also said to them that it was my personal choice which organization to offer my free services to, not their choice but mine. Sadly, I am not sure if ever this situation is going to change. Artists who have disabilities in Singapore are even less respected than non-disabled artists, which makes the situation even more impossible. As an artist who is open about my disabilities, I am lucky that I have great financial support, and am thus able to do a lot of volunteer work, as well as sometimes take on lowly paid commissions because I believe in the good work the organizations are doing (there are some good ones who try to practice what they preach, but budget constraints are a very real thing here, most ironically) and I can also speak out freely and honestly - else I would be starving in the streets of Singapore, with this kind of prevalent social attitude.

Thank you for your wisdom and insights. Not many established professionals in the arts in Singapore are as truthful and insightful as you. So honoured to have your friendship!


老师,我有些相同的想法…. 我读SOTA的时候就可以看见越来越多非常有才华的朋友逐渐有了放弃艺术的想法。IB课业很重,每天傍晚5点多下课才能有时间开始练琴…. 那时候我真的为他们的选择感到惋惜,也觉得越来越孤单,能谈心(音乐话题)的机会也越来越少,但那也让我更加拼命学习音乐找到自己的方向。我发现朋友们在探索这些科目的过程中发现自己对学术产生了更大的兴趣,也意识到了在新加坡选择专业艺术真的很不容易,通常只有一小部分本来就已经有些成就的人或者非常有热忱的人能够坚持下去,脱颖而出,取得奖学金在本地或国外读书,有父母的全力支持,在艺术道路上谋生…. (现在也有很多艺术大学专业的学生改行…)”

虽然SOTA毕业生里可能有更多决定不选择艺术,但我能看得出艺术永远是他们心里的一个重要部分。在SOTA,我们接触到了不同艺术,也有机会研究艺术和学术的碰撞。看到这些非艺术专业的毕业生还积极参与有关艺术的活动,为艺术领域作出贡献,让我感到蛮欣慰和开心的。SOTA虽然看起来是“磨灭”了一些人曾经对艺术梦想的向往,但是也培养了这些人(还有我自己)对其他科目的兴趣,让大家知道,有艺术背景、不来自elite 学校的”非学霸”也能在这些方面发光发亮。仅我自己的渺小看法~”


       谢谢您的回应,先不说有关议题,但你的中文程度之好确实令我惊奇,以今天的新加坡而言,我想你的许多同辈大概也都望尘莫及? 至于SOTA,你的所言也很中肯,SOTA或许也间接培养了一些学生对其他科目的兴趣( 也是不幸中之大幸?)只是:动用了国家如此巨大人力物力,SOTA的办校宗旨和目的以及成果如果最终就只止于此,那除了没有意义,也是一种国家资源的浪费?更别说还“ 磨灭了一些人曾经对艺术梦想的向往”!值得安慰的,也是不幸中之大幸?印象中, SOTA毕业出来的学生除了您以外,仿佛也没有比你更优秀的?难得您现身说法回应写得这么好,我可以分享吗?


谢谢潘老师的回应和支持! 因为家庭环境, 我从小比较习惯说中文, 但离理想程度还远着.... 没能找到更多时间学好中国文学很是遗憾, 但老师时不时FB用中文发的感想不仅能让遥远的我更新对新加坡近期艺术境况的了解, 也让我有了机会默默继续学习中文。我了解有关 SOTA办校宗旨和实际结果的落差感, 确实无奈....”

老师, 承蒙您的关照老师可以随意分享我的任何观点 (不需要credit~). 其实还是有很多很优秀的毕业生在其他方面光芒四射, 音乐方面有电影作曲、制作人, 有充满热心和富有创意的MOE老师, 其他方面呢有舞蹈者、时装设计师等等, 都好另类、出色 ^^”

       根据“准博士”的陈述,SOTA 其实也并非一无是处,只是如果按所付出和最终所得“回报”以及可能的“后遗症”,从一个“务实”的角度来看这又值得吗?事实上,就算没有了SOTA ,以今天此地普遍的文化教育价值观,整个局面又会有什么分别?而经过了这么多年的“各种重点艺术教育”,我们的社会真的比以前更优雅了?!



